SCEMD Latest School Closings and Delays

While we all want to be safe and secure during bad weather, the reality is that we always need to balance safety with the need to get to work, take care of our children, and get the kids to school. Unfortunately, this can also make parents feel guilty when they send their kids to school during a dangerous weather event, while others may feel that they cannot afford the time off of work in order to stay home with their children.
The best thing you can do is to make a safety plan for you and your family, and then follow it. For example, if you live in a neighborhood where schools are in close proximity to one another, your child can walk to one of the other schools.

Get the latest school closings, cancellations, and delays. View school closures for South Carolina from SCEMD. Official information from the South Carolina Emergency Management Division.

The South Carolina Emergency Management Division, a division of the Adjutant General’s Office, is the coordinating agency responsible for the statewide emergency management

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