Bend-La Pine Schools Calendar for 2022-2023

Check out the Bend-La Pine Schools Calendar for the 2022-2023 school year in Oregon! It is critical for parents, students, and educators to be aware of crucial dates and events during the academic year. From the opening day of school to vacations and breaks, to end-of-year activities, this calendar will give you with all the information you need to manage your schedule correctly. Bend-La Pine Schools is dedicated to providing its children with a high-quality education, and this calendar is a crucial tool for keeping everyone organised and focused on attaining their academic goals.

So, let’s have a look at the Bend-La Pine Schools Calendar for the school year 2022-2023 and prepare for a productive academic year!

The official Bend-La Pine School District school year calendar for 2022-2023, which covers all essential dates for the school year.


The 2022-2023 term (Bend & South County Schools):

The 2022-2023 term (Bend Tech Academy at Marshall):

The 2022-2023 term (Realms Middle & Realms High Schools):

The 2023-2024 term (Bend & South County Schools):

The 2023-2024 term (Bend Tech Academy at Marshall):

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